Dictionnaire anglais français avancé, avec une définition anglaise et française, plus de 140056 entrées de Duc Trung Huynh Epub, PDF

Taille du fichier: 25501 KB
Nombre de pages: 17464 pages
Langue: Français
Format: Epub, PDF, Doc, TXT
Télécharger Dictionnaire anglais français avancé, avec une définition anglaise et française, plus de 140056 entrées de Duc Trung Huynh Gratuit
Advanced English French dictionary has more than 140056 entries, thesaurus, phrases and word's inflections such as: "good", "well", "best","test","tests","testing","tested".
It is a great dictionary for both beginner and advanced learners. You can use this dictionary as a pocket or a default dictionary on kindle devices/apps.
To translate English to French when reading eBooks you need to set this dictionary as a default dictionary, see instruction bellow.

Using This Kindle Dictionary.
I. Making this dictionary as a default dictionary.
1. Download Advanced English-French dictionary to your kindle devices/apps.
2. Go to the home page of your kindle by tapping the 'Home' button. This dictionary should be on the list of your books.
3. Select 'Menu'. A menu dialog will show up at right-top corner.
4. Select 'Settings' option in the dialog.
5. Select 'Language & Dictionaries'.
6. Select 'Dictionaries'.
7. Select 'English-French dictionary'.

II. Searching for a word.
1. Download Advanced English-French dictionary to your kindle devices/apps.
2. Open this dictionary.
3. Tap searching icon(magnifying glass icon).
4. Type a word to search.
5. Tap enter button.

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Télécharger Dictionnaire anglais français avancé, avec une définition anglaise et française, plus de 140056 entrées de Duc Trung Huynh

Epub Gratuit